Apprentice activities

In addition to a sound vocational training, a familiar working environment and a collegial cooperation, our apprentices have the opportunity to participate in various projects. In this way, we create optimal conditions for learning as much as possible for the profession and one's own personality and to be in regular exchange with apprentices from other locations.

Personality workshops

Apprentices in the Donau Chemie Group also receive professional support in their personal development. Within the framework of 2-day apprentice seminars on various topics, apprentices from all sites come together and can expand and consolidate their skills through playful exercises. The seminar days are rounded off with a joint activity and dinner. This gives the apprentices the opportunity to exchange ideas and get to know each other better across the plants. 

Apprentice exchange

During their apprenticeship, apprentices can do specialized internships at the other plants and gain experience at the other operating sites (e.g. laboratories, workshops, etc.). As the technical and content-related working methods at the operating sites are sometimes very different, this gives apprentices the opportunity to immerse themselves in the day-to-day operations of the other sites and to exchange ideas and network with apprentices, employees and managers on site.


Natural scientists and technicians are in short supply on the labor market. In order to arouse young people's enthusiasm for training in the field of chemistry, the Austrian Chemical Industry Association launched an initiative at Austrian schools.
The idea: young employees from the chemical industry visit schoolchildren, tell them about their exciting profession and conduct experiments with them. In April and May 2023, our CHEMfluencers visited surrounding lower school classes in Carinthia and Lower Austria. With interesting experiments and everyday stories from professional life, the young people were introduced to the world of chemistry to get them excited about an apprenticeship in the chemical industry.

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