Diversity and inclusion in the Donau Chemie Group: a strength that drives us forward

Our focus is not only on chemical expertise, but also on the people behind our successes. Appreciation and respect are key components of our corporate culture: and this includes diversity and inclusion.

Why diversity and inclusion are so important to us

Diversity enriches our team: we firmly believe that the diversity of our employees strengthens us as a company. Different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences generate fresh ideas and innovative solutions. This diversity enables us to react flexibly to the challenges of the market and achieve sustainable success.

Equal rights and equal opportunities: We promote a culture of equal rights. Regardless of gender, origin, religion, age, sexual orientation or physical ability, all employees should have the same opportunities. We are actively committed to ensuring that all our team members can work in a respectful and supportive environment.

Inclusion as daily practice: For us, inclusion means more than just accepting diversity. It means actively working to ensure that every employee feels welcome and valued. Our managers play a key role in this and set a good example in promoting an inclusive culture.

Benefits for everyone: Diversity and inclusion allow teams to work more productively and creatively. At the Donau Chemie Group, we feel these benefits every day. An inclusive working environment not only promotes the well-being of our employees, but also makes a significant contribution to our economic success.

How we promote diversity and inclusion
  • Recruitment and hiring: We are looking for personalities with diverse backgrounds, experience and potential. It is important to us that our values regarding diversity are lived and actively supported both in the recruitment process and in everyday working life.
  • Training and development: We support the personal and professional development of all employees through targeted training programs and promote the exchange of knowledge and experience.
  • Occupational health and safety and well-being: A safe and healthy workplace is a matter of course for us and forms the basis for development in everyday working life. We ensure that every employee can feel comfortable in our working environment.
Diversity Charter
The Diversity Charter is an initiative to promote respect for all members of society - regardless of gender, age, origin and skin color, sexual orientation, religion and ideology as well as physical or mental disabilities.

As a proud signatory of the diversity charter, we represent these values in the Donau Chemie Group.

Become part of our team and contribute your individual strengths and perspectives to shape the future together with us.
We look forward to receiving your application!
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